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Recommended Acupuncture and other Health Care & Health Sciences Practitioners Information Links

McMaster University – Faculty of Health Sciences
Together, Advancing Health Through Learning and Discovery


McMaster University – Health Sciences Library
Borrowing & Circulation, Reference & Research Support, Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery, Library Computer Services (Laptop Lending, LibAccess, MacConnect) and more.


McMaster University – Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine
The School of Medicine, established in 1965 and renamed the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine in 2004, offers major programs in undergraduate, postgraduate and graduate medical education.


McMaster University – Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine Admissions
McMaster University has always been an innovator in the field of medical education. The Multiple Mini-Interview, or MMI, is one example of how McMaster has approached an accepted process, like the traditional interview and revolutionalized it. For more info., contact Dr. Kien Trinh, Chair, Multiple Mini-Interviews, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine.


Acupuncture Council of Ontario (ACO)
The Acupuncture Council of Ontario (ACO) is for primary contact regulated health professionals who have obtained certification to practice needle acupuncture. Its mission is to promote improved standards of education, practice, and research in the art and science of acupuncture.


American Medical Association
The American Medical Association helps doctors help patients by uniting physicians nationwide to work on the most important professional and public health issues.


British Medical Acupuncture Society
The British Medical Acupuncture Society is a registered charity established to encourage the use and scientific understanding of acupuncture within medicine for the public benefit.


Canadian Academy of Medical Acupuncture
The objectives of this organization is to promote the integration of research findings into clinical acupuncture practice, disseminate evidence-based findings to acupuncture practitioners to improve treatment outcomes for our patients and be involved in research of acupuncture therapy. Graduates of the McMaster Medical Acupuncture Program: EBA may join at the level of a certificant or fellow depending on training. Continuing education is required to maintain membership.


Canadian Chiropractic Association
The Canadian Chiropractic Association is a national, voluntary organization representing Canada’s licensed chiropractors. The CCA is committed to enhancing the health of Canadians by supporting clinical excellence, chiropractic research and inter-disciplinary collaboration.


Canadian Physiotherapy Association
The Canadian Physiotherapy Association provides leadership and direction to the physiotherapy profession, fosters excellence in practice, education and research and promotes high standards of health in Canada.


College of Chiropractors of Ontario
The College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO) is the governing body established by the provincial government to regulate chiropractors in Ontario. Every chiropractor practising in Ontario must be a registered member of the College.


College of Family Physicians of Canada
The College of Family Physicians of Canada is a national voluntary organization of family physicians that makes continuing medical education of its members mandatory.


College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario is dedicated to excellence in protecting the public, serving its members, and promoting the highest possible quality of the practice of massage therapy in a safe and ethical manner. Please see this important bulletin:  Important Information for Massage Therapists who provide Acupuncture within the Scope of Practice of Massage Therapy


College of Physiotherapist of Ontario

The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to regulating the practice of physiotherapists in the public interest.


Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
An organization of medical specialists dedicated to ensuring the highest standards and quality of health care for Canadians.


The Canadian Cochrane Centre
The Canadian Cochrane Network and Centre is one of 12 independent, not-for-profit Cochrane Centres worldwide. Over 1 000 people in Canada are Cochrane members who contribute to systematic reviews of treatments used in health care.


The Cochrane Collaboration
The world’s leading international not-for-profit and independent organization, dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of healthcare readily available worldwide. McMaster University Health Sciences Acupuncture Program Chair, Dr. Kien Trinh, is a Review Author for the Cochrane Collaboration.


U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research. Helping to lead the way toward important medical discoveries that improve people’s health and save lives, NIH scientists investigate ways to prevent disease as well as the causes, treatments, and even cures for common and rare diseases. Composed of 27 Institutes and Centers, the NIH provides leadership and financial support to researchers in every state and throughout the world.


Worker Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) of Ontario
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) promotes workplace health and safety and provides a workers compensation system for the employers and workers of Ontario.


British Medical Journal (BMJ)
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) is published by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association.


Health Behavior News Service
Resource for the news media and public to find the best and most recent evidence-based scientific research to help people make decisions about their health and health care.


Medical News Today
News from well-regarded sources such as JAMA, BMJ, Lancet, BMA, plus original articles sourced and written by our own team, dedicated to providing up-to-the-minute health news.

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