New Membership Benefits
-A 11"X17" Certificate and a lapel pin
-A membership number that may be helpful for billing purposes
-Active member may use the title Certificant of Canadian Academy of Medical Acupuncture (CCAMA)
-We verify your training with insurance companies, WSIB, and regulatory bodies
-We keep your record cloud secured as long as the company (CAMA) exists
-Up to 8 hours of continuing acupuncture education per year included (Conditions apply)
-Medical legal advice with your legal team up to 30 minutes per year. This time is cumulative with each renewal but will be discontinued when membership lapses.
-Support acupuncture research
Renewal Benefits of membership-A annual renewal sticker for your certificate-Active member may continue to use the title Certificant of Canadian Academy of Medical Acupuncture (CCAMA)-We verify your training with insurance companies, WSIB, and regulatory bodies -We keep your record cloud secured as long as the company (CAMA) exists-Up to 8 hours of continuing acupuncture education per year (Conditions apply)-Medical legal advice with your legal team up to 30 minutes per year. This time is cumulative with each renewal but will be discontinued when membership lapses.-Support acupuncture research
$100 off until May 31 each year for our Spring program students and until December 31 each year for our Fall program students. The discount applies only to our current students and is not extended to past students.
New Canadian Academy of Medical Acupuncture Membership
-A annual renewal sticker for your certificate
-Active member may continue to use the title Certificant of Canadian Academy of Medical Acupuncture (CCAMA)
-We verify your training with insurance companies, WSIB, and regulatory bodies -We keep your record cloud secured as long as the company (CAMA) exists
-Up to 8 hours of continuing acupuncture education per year (Conditions apply)
-Medical legal advice with your legal team up to 30 minutes per year. This time is cumulative with each renewal but will be discontinued when membership lapses.
-Support acupuncture research