Dr. Elliott (Jenny), DC
Dr. Jenny Elliott is a chiropractor practicing in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Dr. Jenny Elliott is a chiropractor, traditional Chinese medicine acupuncturist and Clinic Director of the Central Health Care team in Guelph, Ontario. She received her first Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Western Ontario. Then she combined her desire to travel with her pursuit of a career as a chiropractor. She chose to attend the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in England, one of the most respected chiropractic colleges in the world. There she completed her second Bachelor of Science degree, as well as a Master’s degree. Dr. Elliott received her acupuncture training from the McMaster University Health Sciences Continuing Education Medical Acupuncture program.
Dr. Elliott was chosen to receive the prestigious Ontario Chiropractic Association Patient Care Award in 2017. She has a deep passion for the Chiropractic profession and proudly serves as an elected board member for the Ontario Chiropractic Association.